Friday, December 26, 2008
dance in the beams
of car headlights
grey road,white paint
deserted flyovers,
closed shops
streetlight posts
stand tall
in mute resignation
equally spaced
in a neat row,but
never quite close enough
taking a turn now,
at the corner
of a gully
a chai-wala,
in blue striped muffler,
opens his stall
and on a cycle,
aluminium cans rattle
as a milkman sails past.
Friday, December 12, 2008
we're sitting here,
under this coconut tree
our own cosy harbour
watching quiet ripples
form in
night silver waters,
that stretch across
and open out
into the ocean
where dim lights
betray the silhouette
of a sleepy ship far away
water flows gently,
time laps at our feet
in easy waves.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thomas Mathew
an old man
wrinkled face
grey shocks
of hair grew
out of his ears,
ears that knew
the sound of each note
so well
the old man
the piano-tuner
he'd come to class
in an old grey suit
and wooden case
the day he'd come
hushed whispers
of his arrival
unscrewed pianos
unlocked a magical world
little fingers
pressing a key
toy hammers
for every note
we'd giggle
repair man
piano tuner
we were kids
in awe of him
his piano-playing
he rarely spoke
only smiled
crinkled kind eyes
eighty years old
brown leather slippers
i wondered
in my
10 year old mind
about his family
his life
his piano-tuning
sudden hoarse coughs
forehead lines
i looked forward
to his visits,
childish curiousness
now no more,
leaves behind
the music ,
all the pianos
he brought life to.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
platform no.2,
on a winter morning
sitting on a bench
eating vada
waiting for the train
a crow,
head tilted
looks hopefully at me
people talk,
in low murmurs
that abruptly pause
at the three noted alert
announcements,that are
all too famliar
a big rat
scurries over
steely tracks and rail-rubble ,
grey and brown stones
that will soon
blur in motion.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

inside my shell
I poke my head out
once in a while
I look around
it might be nice actually
to bask in the
warmth of the sun,
to somersault
with the others
on the beach,
to try and catch
the biggest wave
but there is also
the constant hustle
of excited feet
on the sands,
big and trampling,
that I have to carefully dodge.
nah.. today I just
dont feel like.
maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
and the world
sketches itself translucent
trees and hills
start fading away
in wet layers
and I see saree clad
far away dabs
of paint, women
running across fields
with barefeet
and indian grace.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
on a
white paper crease
forms different patterns
each time
an uncertain surprise,
to my six year old mind
sunday afternoon
tongue sticking out
chubby fingers at work
fountain pen,
open bottle
one clumsy act
and ink
ran across
spilling all over.
blotting paper
on the table
slowly absorbs.
Friday, September 12, 2008
flicker soft,
rooftop chill
radiant smiles,
glasses clink,
eye to eye
warm happiness
dance floor,
golden glint,
saxophone sway
old song we know,
mellow voices in
drunken harmony
a few hours,and
the party's over
they leave,happy-tired
sitting against the wall,
both of us
after everyone's gone
not wanting to move.
slowing down sunrise.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Coming back
faded memory
of green prints
on a blanket
of moments
that I'd caught
and held on to
put in an ice-box,
paint melting along the sides
orange-vivid puddles
at my feet,
leaving softer tones
less wild,more mature
I'd woken up early
that day,slipped out quietly
while you slept
its been a few years,
you knew wat i once was..
now I'm me
I'll see you soon.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

constant,rock solid
friends for life
music room,
home for three years
we sang our way through
late night maggi,
last minute
crammin for exams
leaving and receiving
at katpadi station,
impromptu chennai trips
walking on the bunds
of paddy fields,
balancing acts
climbing vellore hills,
getting high
dhaba treats,
(roti anna!)
bargainin with auto guys
gettin back after hols
to a new room
finding the best showers
whom I couldnt
do without
this place,
I'm sometimes
afraid to leave.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
stand,or sit down
on newspaper
chinese scale,
for just ten rupees
pirated dvds,raw mangoes
chutney dribbles
from the vendor's idli basket
everytime he passes by
everyone stares
at everyone else,
an indian habit
nobody seems to mind
the heat,the sweat
the dirt,the tamil songs
playin on his cellphone
as he nods vigorously,
and sings along
two small kids,
their black, beady,
curious eyes
taking in every detail
not looking away,holding
a bold steadfast gaze
in the corner,
a young lady eats
a packed lunch,
curd rice and pickle,
and throws the rest
out of the window,
where paddy fields
and small villages
endlessly rumble past.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
in long bazaar
along the fort,
the heart of vellore
market-place smells
of fish,fruit,of afternoon
hung in the air
in chaotic competence
bright clothes lay
spread out on the roadside
in plain blues,yellows
among proud moviestar blacks
sunny families went
boating in the moat,
a cow on the footpath
moo-ed morosely at me
I dodged hawkers,
made my way through the crowd,
liking the lightness
of anonymity.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
the bell rings
amma's up already,
two cups of tea
one glass of bournvita
the maid arrives,with
her bright smile
gets to work
grandmom chants
her morning prayers,
the diya is lit
busy kitchen noises,
something sizzles
on a pan
and a delightful aroma
permeates the air
tv-ad style
background noise
of a news channel
or a hindi serial
familiar clink
of amma's bangles
and pressure cooker whistles
I'm home.
Friday, May 09, 2008
bob up and down
like paper sailboats
in crooked,
rainfed rivulets
during monsoon
that diverge,
gurgle nothings
and sometimes
disappear into
potholes and drains
boat-marks erased
by the water,leaving
shades of soaked white
thoughts float,
bob up and down
like paper sailboats
and i dont know
which ones are yours
and which ones mine.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
clinging to rusty
old iron bars.
one falls
to the ground.
another swollen pearl
bright oval,
swaying to and fro
at its tip.
water film,
fleeting images.
unsteady world,
dissolving into nothing,
into everything.
of no consequence,
just another raindrop
trying to hold on
to rusty old
iron bars
in a moving train.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
whiffs of a
rain-flavoured wind
it starts off
as a tame drizzle
grows into a
full fledged downpour
some far away door
crashes against the wind
whoosh of the gale outside
curtains flying
close these windows now
thunder rumbles and roars
the world blinks
streaks of lightning
goes the transformer
frantic groping
for emergency lights
8 pm now,
they fade away soon,
flicker of the oil-lamp
burns a wind-distorted flame
black out in the apartment
someone's stuck in the lift
voices echo
in the corridor stairway
amma and I
sit in the balcony
black leaved trees
ominous animal outlines
its those monkeys again
chattering,swinging from
branch to brach
and into someone's kitchen.
we gossip,watch passers-by
mingled smell
of wet earth,
hot chai and samosas
Candle,with its
rainbow ringed yellow,
tilt it to get
wax finger-cups
familiar old routine,
hyderabadi ministorm,
I miss the excitement
of power cuts.