Monday, October 26, 2009

show me!
she cried,
running after him

on her short,
chubby legs
in her pink frock

come n get it,
he laughed,
holding up his fist

his eyes,

she stumbled
over the sands

as fast
as she could
chasing him in circles

till she tripped
over an
unfinished castle

and fell flat,
on the wet mud
he turned

she sat up
and howled
five-year old baby

he, suddenly quiet
and bewildered
sat beside her

and held out
his empty palm.


Tangled up in blue... said...

This one's among my favourites here..

Reminds me of a beach holiday eleven years ago..:)

Ashwin said...

oh fab stuff! absolutely loved it.

brilliantly done.

Pankaj said...

something you observed?

Ramya said...

tuib, ashwin: thangoo.

pankaj: nah. dunno how it came to me. actually meant to be siblings playing.. elder brother, lil sis.

but also could mean a wild-goose chase, when you think you're on to something, but in the end, it was 'such a rush to get nothing at all' (coldplay)


Pshycolitian said...

really nice one .... and the second meaning actually was what i was thinking :)... wild goose chase...

Kiran said...
